My sixth-grade bus pass. I had no idea of my life journey ahead. |
Social media, particularly Facebook, provides a fabulous opportunity to connect with new readers
and friends, as well as a way to reconnect with people from our past.
This one is especially dear to me--a note I received from my sixth-grade
teacher, Mary Kasper, who is now my Facebook friend:
"Your writing talent continues to amaze me, Sherry. You have a great
sense of humor and your style makes one feel like you're just sitting
across the table..."
When she wasn't busy needing to reprimand me for
talking during class--which as no great surprise was often--Mrs. Kasper was just
as frequently encouraging my writing.
I still have a story I wrote for class, more than forty years ago, on which she wrote: "I
f you don't do something with all your talent, I'm going to come back and haunt you."
Fortunately, she doesn't need to haunt me. She is still around for me to thank today.
Teachers DO make a difference. I truly believe she was a major factor in setting me on this path in life. I'm so grateful.
Thank you for believing in me, Mrs. Kasper.
Any teachers you'd like to thank? Do it today.